In-Line Housing for Load Cell Amplifiers (ILE)


  • In-line housing enclosure for load cell amplifiers (ICA4H)
  • The ILE and ICA converts a load cell to a conditioned load cell
  • Very small size – 56 x 28 mm excluding glands
  • Machined from solid stainless steel
  • Waterproof to IP67
SKU: ILE Category:


This provides In-line housing for load cell amplifiers (ICA).  The ILE comes as a stainless steel in-line enclosure and enables users to quickly convert any standard load cell output to 0-10 V, 4-20 mA or a RS485 digital output.

The ILE is a very robust EMC protected IP67 enclosure for ICA’s load cell amplifiers, creating an easy method of converting a standard load cell to a conditioned output (digital load cells and 2 wire 4-20 mA load cells).


TitleVersionSizeHitsDate addedDownload
ILE Product Sheet446.44 KB88725-05-2021 DownloadPreview
ILE Fitting Instruction Sheet240.84 KB88125-05-2021 DownloadPreview

Q: Which ICAs can you use with a ILE enclosure?

A: All of them